Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Reference5 articles.
1. Alexander, A.: Interactive multi-mode blade impact analysis. ASME paper 81-GT-79, March 1981.
2. Hirschbein, M. S.: Bird impact analysis package for turbine fan blades. NASA TM-82831, 1982.
3. Bauer, D. P.: Response sensitivity of typical aircraft jet engine fan blade-like structures to bird impact. AFWAL-TR-82-2045, May 1982.
4. Shioya, T. and Stronge, W. J.: Impact on rotating fan blade. Mechanical properties at high rates of strain, 1984, Proc. 3rd Oxford Conference, 1984, 511–518.
5. Shioya, T. and Stronge, W. J.: Impact bending of a rotating, rigid-plastic fan blade. J. Propulsion and Power, AIAA, to be published (1985).