1. G. E. Andrews, The Theory of Partitions, Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 2, G.-C. Rotaed., Addison-Wesley, Reading, 1976. (Reissued: Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 1985.)
2. G. E. Andrews, The Rogers-Ramanujan reciprocal and Mine’s partition function, Pacific J. Math. 95 (1981), 251–256.
3. G. E. Andrews, MacMahon’s partition analysis I: The lecture hall partition theoremin “Mathematical essays in honor of Gian-Carlo Rota’s 65th birthday” (B.E. Sagan), Prog. Math. 161, Birkhauser, Boston, 1998, pp. 1–22.
4. G. E. Andrews, P. Paule and A. Riese, MacMahon’s partition analysis III: The Omega package, (to appear).
5. G. E. Andrews, P. Paule and A. Riese, MacMahon’s partition analysis VI: The fast algorithm, (in preparation).