Conflict-Free Replicated Data Types


Shapiro Marc,Preguiça Nuno,Baquero Carlos,Zawirski Marek


Springer Berlin Heidelberg

Reference23 articles.

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2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;S. Burckhardt,2011

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4. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;S. Delaët,2005

5. 4. also appears Op. Sys. Review 22(1), 8-32 (1988)

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4. Designing Peer-to-Peer Systems as Closed Knowledge Commons;Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for the Common Good;2023-12-11

5. Quantifying the Performance of Conflict-free Replicated Data Types in InterPlanetary File System;Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Distributed Infrastructure for the Common Good;2023-12-11







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