1. Velman, J. R., “Simulation Results for a Dual-Spin Spacecraft,” Proceedings of the Symposium on Attitude Stabilization and Control of Dual-Spin Spacecraft, 1–2 August 1967, Aerospace Corporation, El Segundo, California, November 1967, Aerospace Report No. TR-0158 (3307-01)-16, Air Force Report No. SAMSO-TR-68-191.
2. Hooker, W. W., “A Set of r Dynamical Attitude Equations for an Arbitrary n-Body Satellite Having r Rotational Degrees of Freedom,” AIAA J., Vol. 8, No. 7, July 1970, pp. 1205–1207.
3. Frisch, H. P., A Vector-Dyadic Development of the Equations of Motion for N-Coupled Rigid Bodies and Point Masses, NASA TN D-7767, October 1974.
4. Frisch, H. P., A Vector-Dyadic Development of the Equations of Motion for N-Coupled Flexible Bodies and Point Masses, NASA TN D-8047, August 1975.
5. Frisch, H. P., The N-B0D2 User’s and Programmer’s Manual, NASA Technical Paper 1145, February 1978.