1. Bevier, W.R., Hunt Jr., W.A., Strother Moore, J., Young, W.D.: An approach to system verification. Journal of Automated Reasoning 5(4), 411–428 (1989); Special Issue on System Verification
2. Bjørner, D.: A ProCoS Project Description. Published in two slightly different versions: (1) EATCS Bulletin (October 1989), (2) Plander, I.(ed.): Proceedings: Intl. Conf. on AI & Robotics, Strebske Pleso, Slovakia, November 5-9. North-Holland, Publ., Amsterdam (1989), Dept. of Computer Science, Technical University of Denmark (October 1989)
3. Bjørner, D.: Trustworthy Computing Systems: The ProCoS Experience. In: 14th ICSE: Intl. Conf. on Software Eng., Melbourne, Australia, May 11-15, pp. 15–34. ACM Press, New York (1992)
4. Bjørner, D.: Formal Software Techniques in Railway Systems. In: Schnieder, E. (ed.) 9th IFAC Symposium on Control in Transportation Systems, Technical University, Braunschweig, Germany, June 13-15, pp. 1–12 (2000); VDI/VDE-Gesellschaft Mess– und Automatisieringstechnik, VDI-Gesellschaft für Fahrzeug– und Verkehrstechnik (invited talk)
5. Bjørner, D.: Domain Models of ”The Market” — in Preparation for E–Transaction Systems. In: Kilov, H., Baclawski, K. (eds.) Practical Foundations of Business and System Specifications, The Netherlands. Kluwer Academic Press, Dordrecht (2002)