1. Bevier, W. R., ‘Kit and the short stack’ (in this issue of The Journal of Automated Reasoning).
2. Bevier, W. R., ‘Kit: A study in operating system verification’ (to appear in IEEE Trans. on Soft. Eng.). Also available as Tech. Rept 28, Computational Logic, Inc., 1717 West Sixth Street, Suite 290, Austin, Texas, 78703.
3. Boyer, R. S. and Moore, J S., ‘Metafunctions: Proving them correct and using them efficiently as new proof procedures’, In The Correctness Problem in Computer Science (eds R. S. Boyer and J S. Moore), Academic Press, London, 1981.
4. Boyer, R. S. and Moore, J S., ‘A fast string searching algorithm’, Comm. ACM
20, 10 (1977), 762–772.
5. Boyer, R. S. and Moore, J S., ‘A verification condition generator for FORTRAN’, In The Correctness Problem in Computer Science (eds R. S. Boyer and J S. Moore), Academic Press, London, 1981.