1. Alfvén, H.: Cosmical Electrodynamics. London: Oxford University Press 1950. — The original, and still very useful, account of particle motion in magnetic fields. The applications are somewhat out-of-date.
2. Spitzer, L.: Physics of Fully-ionized Gases. New York: Interscience Publ. 1956. — A very useful account of plasma physics.
3. Pawsey, J., and R. Bracewell: Radio Astronomy. London: Oxford University Press 1955.
4. Shklovski, I. S.: Kosmicheski Radioisluchinie. Moscow: Gos. Techniko. teoret. Lit. 1956. — These two are the best books on the topic. They are just a little dated in this rapidly-moving subject.
5. Kuiper, G. P.: editor: The Sun. Chicago, Ill.: Chicago University Press 1953. — This volume is a compendium of the best kind. The chapters on the photosphere, the corona, solar activity, and solar radio emission are the sources for much of the data used above.