1. Aceto, H. (1967). Space-related mammalian radiobiology. Univ. Calif. Lawrence Radiation Lab. Rept. UCRL-17751, p. 83.
2. The comparative biological response of dogs to 250-KVP and 100-KVP x-rays;Alpen;Radiology,1958
3. Alsmiller, R. G. (1967). High energy nucleon transport. Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Rept. ORNL-TM-1839.
4. Alsmiller, R.G., and Murphy, J. E. (1964). The attenuation of solar flares by aluminum shields. Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Rept. Rept. ORNL-3520; see also ORNL-3317 and ORNL-3549.
5. Alsmiller, R.G., Alsmiller, F. S., and Murphy, J. E. (1962). Nucleon-meson cascade calculations in the straight ahead approximation. proc. Symp. Protect. Against Radiation Hazards in Space, Gatlinburg, 1962 USAEC-TID-7652, p. 698; see also Oak Ridge Natl. Lab. Rept. ORNL-TM-1848(1967).