1. For a review of these relaxation processes, see W.L. Brown: Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 23, 9 (1984).
2. N. Bloembergen: In Laser-Solid Interactions and Laser Processing, ed. by S. D. Ferris, H.J. Leamy and J.M. Poate (AIP, New York 1979) p. 1.
3. F. Spaepen and C.J. Lin: In Amorphous Metals and Non-Equilibrium Processing, ed. by M. von Allmen (Les Editions de Physique, Les Ulis, France 1984), p. 65.
4. F. Spaepen and D. Turnbull: In Laser Processing of Semiconductors, ed. by J.M. Poate and J.W. Mayer (Academic, NY 1982), p. 15.
5. C.A. MacDonald, A.M. Malvezzi and F. Spaepen: Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 51, (1986) in press.