1. Aarne, A., Thompson, S.: The Types of the Folktale: A Classification and Bibliography, by A. Aarne, translated and enlarged by S. Thompson. Folklore Fellows Communications, vol. 74. Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia = Academia Scientiarum Fennica, Helsinki, Finland (1928). 2nd revision: Folklore Fellows Communications 75(184) (1961). Reprints (1973, 1964, 1981). Another reprint: B. Franklin, New York (1971). Aarne’s German original was Verzeichnis der Märchentypen.
2. Abramowitsch, S.: Toldót hatéva 1 [as transcribed on the front page: Toldot Hateba] (Hebrew: History of Nature 1), vol. 1: Ha Yoneqim [Mammals] C.W. Vollrath, Leipzig (1862)
3. Abramowitsch, S.J.: Toldot Hateba. Gemennützige Naturgeschichte. 2: Vögel. = Toldót hatéva 2(Hebrew: History of Nature 2), vol. 2: Ha-‘Of [Birds]. A.S. Schadow, Schitomir [i.e., Žitomir] (1866)
4. Abramowitsch, S.: Toldót hatéva 3 (Hebrew: History of Nature 3), vol. 3: Ha Zoḥalim [Reptiles]. Romm, Vilna (1872)
5. Pragmatics & Beyond New Series;M. Adamczyk,2011