Feng Zhao,Martínez-Lapuente Leticia,Palacios Antonio,Ayestarán Belén,Guadalupe Zenaida
AbstractThis research analyzes the influence of Quercus alba barrels from four different forests of the USA [Missouri (M), Ohio (O), Kentucky (K) and Pennsylvania (P)] on the colour parameters, phenolic composition, and visual and gustatory sensory characteristics of 12 Tempranillo red wines from different wineries after 12 months of aging. Oak origin significantly affected the colour parameters of the wines, except for tonality, and the content of anthocyanins, stilbenes and ellagitannins but had little effect on the rest of the phenolic compounds. Wines aged in K and O barrels showed the highest content of ellagitannins. Wines aged in P barrels had the lowest content of phenolic compounds and colour intensity (CI), while K and O barrels produced the highest levels of ellagitannins. K wines were the best value in the global perception of the taste analysis. The influence of the barrel origin on the phenolic composition of the wines was also evaluated according to their initial phenolic composition. Wines with the highest initial CI and phenol content also showed the highest content of ellagitannins after barrel aging. When aging wines with high CI and phenol content, M barrels provided the wines with the highest content of ellagitannins.
Springer Science and Business Media LLC