1. W. P. Rees and B. E. Hopkins:J, Iron Steel Inst., 1952, vol. 172, p. 403.
2. J. R. Donoso and R. E. Reed-Hill:Met. Trans. A, 1976, vol. 7A, p. 961.
3. R. L. Stegman, P. Shahinian and M. R. Achter:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1969, vol. 245, p. 1759.
4. D. A. Woodford:An Assessment of the Role of Test Environment in Creep Rupture Life Prediction, published inProceedings of Sheffield Conference on Engineering Aspects of Creep, September (1980).
5. D. L. Wood:Trans. TMS-AIME, 1957, vol. 209, p. 406.