1. The lead in Food Regulations, 1961. SI 1961 No. 1931. HMSO
2. Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives: Evaluation of certain food additives and the contaminants mercury, lead and cadmium, Sixteenth Report, World Health Org. Tech. Rep. Series No. 505 (1972)
3. Evaluation of mercury, lead, cadmium and the food additives amaranth, diethylpyrocarbonate and octyl gallate, FAO Nutrition Meetings Report Series No. 51 A, Rome, 1972; WHO Food Additives Series, No. 4, Geneva, 1972
4. Muller,H.A.L.: Voeding 34, 387 (1973)
5. Food Standards Committee, Report on zinc, London, 1954, HMSO