1. L. I. Schiff:Am. Journ. Phys.,28, 340 (1960). Schiff’s calculation is also described in greater detail byR. Adler, M. Bazin andM. Schiffer:Introduction to General Relativity, (New York, 1965).
2. Lenz communicated his calculation privately toA. Sommerfeld, who reproduced it in hisVorlesungen über theoretische Physik, vol.3 (Leipsig, 1949). (English translation: (New York, 1952).)
3. C. Brans andR. H. Dicke:Phys. Rev.,124, 925 (1961).
4. Note added in proofs. — I have learned that a simple derivation of the precession of orbits in general relativity theory has been given byE. P. Ney:Electromagnetism and Relativity (New York, 1962). Although this treatment differs from ours in the details of the calculation and the over-all point of view, it shares with our investigation the mass transformation law (eq. (3) below). I am grateful to Dr.J. Cocke for calling my attention to this work.
5. A. Einstein:Ann. d. Phys.,35, 898 (1911).