1. Brown, L. R. 1967. The world food/population problem: an overview. An alternative for balancing world food production needs. Iowa State University Press. 273 pp.
2. Buddemeier, W. D. 1967. Soybeans—a potential food crop for India. Participant Journal1 (May): 10–11.
3. Caleb, B. S. 1964. The Kumaon Hills. Published by the author. Moradabed. 52 pp.
4. Dimler, R. J. 1967. Soybeans and corn join forces in food! Soybean Digest27: 50–53.
5. Hermann, F. J. 1962. A revision of the genusGlycine and its immediate allies. U.S. Dept. Agr. Tech. Bull. 1268. 82 pp.