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2. Agran, M., and Moore, S. (1987). Transitional programming: Suggesting an adaptability model. In J. L. Matson and R. P. Barrett (Eds.), Advances in mental retardation and developmental disabilities (Vol. 3, pp. 179–208 ). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
3. Agran, M., Fodor-Davis, J., and Moore, S. C. (1986). The effects of self-instructional training on job task-sequencing: Suggesting a problem-solving strategy. Education and Training of the Mentally Retarded, 21, 273–281.
4. Agran, M., Fodor-Davis, J., Moore, S. C., and Deer, M. (1988). The effects of self-generated prompting procedures on the instruction following skills of students with severe handicaps. Manuscript submitted for publication.
5. Agran, M., Martin, J. E., and Mithaug, D. E. (1987). Transitional assessment for students with mental retardation. Diagnostique, 12, 173–184.