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2. Poli, C., Escudereo, J., and Fernandez, R., “How Part Design Affects Injection Molding Tool Costs,” Machine Design, November 24, 1988.
3. Poli, C., Kuo, S.M., and Sunderland, J.E., “Keeping a Lid on Mold Processing Costs,” Machine Design, October 26, 1989.
4. Poli, C., and Fredette, L., “Product Design for Economical Die Casting—The Influence of Part Shape on Tooling Cost,” Proceedings of the 15th International Die Casting Congress, St. Louis, October 1989.
5. Poli, C., Dastidar, P., and Mahajan, P., “Design for Stamping, Part I—Analysis of Part Attributes that Impact Die Construction Costs for Metal Stamping,” Proceedings of the ASME Design Automation Conference, Miami, September 1991.