1. Kaplan, Robert S. 'One Cost System Isn't Enough,' Harvard Business Review, Jan.-Feb. 1988.
2. Dixon, J.R., Duffey, M.R., Irani, R.K., et al. 'A Proposed Taxonomy of Mechanical Design Problems,' Proceedings, ASME Computers in Engineering Conference. San Francisco, CA: July 31 - August 3, 1988.
3. Whitney, Daniel E., and Nevins, James L. Concurrent Design of Products and Processes. McGraw-Hill. New York: 1989.
4. Winchell, William. Realistic Cost Estimating for Manufacturing. Society of Manufacturing Engineers. Dearborn, MI: 1989.
5. Dixon, J.R., and Poli, C. Fundamentals of mechanical Engineering Design and Design for Manufacturing. Addison-Wesley, expected publication summer 1994.