1. Learning in Science Project,Working Papers, University of Waikato, (various dates).
2. CHAMPAGNE, A.B., GUNSTONE, R.F. & KLOPFER, L.E. (1983). Naive Knowledge and Science Learning.Research in Science Education, Vol. 1, (2), 173–183.
3. GUNSTONE, R.F. & WHITE, R.T. (1982). Bringing students' concepts into accord with scientists'.The Australian Science Teachers Journal, Vol. 28 (1), 13–20.
4. NUSSBAUM, J. & NOVAK, J. (1976). An Assessment of Children's Concepts of the Earth Utilizing Structured Interviews,Science Education, 60 (40), 535–550.
5. OSBORNE, R.J. & GILBERT, J.K. (1979). Investigating Student Understanding of Basic Physics Concepts using an Interview-About-Instances Techniques.Australian Science Education Research. Conference, Perth, May.