1. B. Bogaert: ” Automates d'arbres avec tests d'égalités.”-PhD Thesis, Université de Lille I. (1990)
2. B.Bogaert, H.Comon & S.Tison: ” Order-sorted calculi with term declarations.”-UNIF'91. (1991)
3. B.Bogaert, S.Tison: ” Minimization of tree automata with tests”-LIFL Report (to appear) (1991)
4. H. Comon: ” Unification et Disunification. Théorie et applications.”-PhD Thesis, INPG (Grenoble) (1988)
5. H. Comon: ” Inductive proofs by specification transformations.”-Proc. Rewriting technics and applications, Chapel-Hill, LNCS 375 (1989)