1. L. Bachmair. Proof by consistency in equational theories. In Proc. 3rd IEEE Symp. Logic in Computer Science, Edinburgh, July 1988.
2. H. Comon and P. Lescanne. Equational Problems and Disunification. Research Report Lifia 82 Imag 727, Univ. Grenoble, May 1988. To appear in J. Symbolic Computation.
3. H. Comon. An effective method for handling initial algebras. In Proc. 1st Workshop on Algebraic and Logic Programming, Gaussig, 1988.
4. H. Comon. Unification et Disunification: Théorie et Applications. Thèse de Doctorat, I.N.P. de Grenoble, France, 1988.
5. H. Comon and J.-L. Remy. How to Characterize the Language of Ground Normal Forms. Research Report 676, INRIA, June 1987.