1. V. S. Bessmertnyi, A. V. Simachev, V. A. Panasenko, et al., “Method of glazing autoclave wall materials, Pat. 2354631 RF, IPCC04B41/50, B28B11/04; applicant and patentee: Glazurit JSC, No. 2007123694,” Byull. Izobr. Polezn. Modeli, No. 13 (2009); appl. June 26,2007; publ. May 10, 2009.
2. O. V. Puchka, V. S. Bessmertnyi, S. V. Sergeev, and S. S. Vaisera, “Plasma-chemical methods of obtaining coatings on the surface of foam glass”, Vest. Belgorod. Gos. Tekhnol. Univ., No. 3, 147 – 150 (2013).
3. S. V. Fedosov, M. V. Akulova, Yu. A. Schepochkina, et al., Plasma Fusion of Construction Composites [in Russian], ASV, Moscow; IGASU, Ivanovo (2009).
4. V. S. Bessmertnyi, Scientific Foundations of the Formation of Consumer Properties of Products Made of Ceramics and Glass, Worked by a Low-Temperature Plasma Torch, Author’s Abstract of Doctoral’s Thesis [in Russian], Moscow (2004).
5. V. S. Bessmertnyi, V. S. Lesovik, N. I. Bondarenko, et al., “Innovative technologies for glazing concrete products,” Usp. Sovr. Estestvozn., No. 2, 107 – 108 (2013).