1. A. Rose:Concepts in Photoconductivity and Allied Problems (J. Wiley, New York, London 1963)
2. A review with ample referencing is: M.K. Sheinkman, A.Ya. Shik: Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn.10, 208 (1976) [Sov. Phys. Semicond.10, 128 (1976)]
3. A.Ya. Vul, Sh.I. Nabiev, S.G. Petrosyan, A.Ya. Shik: phys. stat. sol. (a)36, 53 (1976)
4. E.M. Baskin, B.S. Lisenker, A.Yu. Shegai: Fiz. Tekh. Poluprovodn.12, 1380 (1978) [Sov. Phys. Semicond.12, 816 (1978)]
5. H.C. Wright, R.J. Downey, J.R. Canning: J. Phys. D1, 1593 (1968)