1. Ruelle, D.: Statistical mechanics. Proposition (7.2.6). New York: W. A. Benjamin 1969. For related results the reader is referred to: A. Huber in “Mathematical Methods in Solid State and Superfluid Theory”, R. C. Clark and G. H. Derrick ed., Oliver and Boyd, Edinburgh, 1969, page 364; H. Falk, “Inequalities of J. W. Gibbs” to appear in Amer. J. Phys., July, 1970.
2. Lanford, O. E., Robinson, D. W.: J. Math. Phys.9, 1120–1125 (1968). Partial results have been obtained by F. Baumann and R. Jost, Problems of theoretical physics. Essays dedicated to N. N. Bogoliubov, p. 285. Moscow: Nauka 1969.
3. Ruelle, D.:op. cit., Proposition (2.5.4).
4. ——op. cit., Proposition (2.5.2).
5. Golden, S.: Phys. Rev.137, B1127 (1965); — C. Thompson, J. Math. Phys.6, 1812 (1965).