1. Tamura, N., Wada, K., Matsuda, H., Kaneda, Y. and Maekawa, S., “Prolog Machine PEK,”Proc. of the Logic Programming Conference ’84, ICOT, 1984, [in Japanese].
2. Kaneda, Y., Tamura, N., Wada, K. and Matsuda, H., “Sequential PROLOG Machine PEK Architecture and Software System,”International Workshop on High-Level Computer Architecture, 1984.
3. Wada, K., Kaneda, Y., and Maekawa, S., “High-Speed Execution of FORTH and PASCAL Programs on a High-Level Language Machine,”9th EUROMICRO, 1983.
4. Taki, K., Nishikawa, H., Yamamoto, A. and Yokota, M., “Hardware Design and Implementation of the Personal Sequential Inference Machine (PSI),”Proc. of the International Conf. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems 1984 (ICOT, ed.), 1984.
5. Tick, E. and Warren, D. H. D., “Towards a Pipelined PROLOG Processor,”Proc. of the International Symposium on Logic Programming, pp. 29–40, 1984.