1. Harsat, A. and Ginosar, R., “GARMEL-2: A Second Generation VLSI Architecture for Flat Concurrent Prolog,”Proc. of the Int. conf on Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS’88), Vol. 3, ICOT, Tokyo, Nov. 28-Dec. 2, pp. 962–969, 1988.
2. Shapiro, E., “Concurrent Prolog: a Progress report,”IEEE Computer, pp. 44–58, August, 1986.
3. Mierowsky, C., S. Taylor, E. Shapiro, Levy, J. and Safra, M., “The Design and Implementation of Flat Concurrent Prolog,”Weizmann Institutes Technical Report, CS85-09, Rehovot, 1986.
4. Clark, K. L. and Gregory, S., “Parlog: Parallel Programming in Logic”,ACM Tran. on Programming Languages, Vol. 8, No. 1, 1986.
5. Ueda, K., “Guarded Horn Clauses,”ICOT Technical Report, 103, 1985. Also Chapter 4 inConcurrent Prolog—Collected Papers (Shapiro, E. ed), Vol. 1, MIT Press, pp. 140–156, 1987.