1. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;M. Akkar,2002
2. Lecture Notes in Computer Science;G. Ars,2004
3. Bardet, M.: Étude des systèmes algébriques surdéterminés. Applications aux codes correcteurs et à la cryptographie. Ph.D. thesis, Université Paris 6 (2004)
4. Bardet, M., Faugère, J.-C., Salvy, B.: Complexity of Gröbner Basis Computations for Regular Overdetermined Systems, INRIA Rapport de Recherche No. 5049; a slightly modified preprint is accepted by the International Conference on Polynomial System Solving
5. Bardet, M., Faugère, J.-C., Salvy, B., Yang, B.-Y.: Asymptotic Complexity of Gröbner Basis Algorithms for Semi-regular Overdetermined Systems over Large Fields (manuscript)