1. H.-J. Bandelt, H.M. Mulder, Distance-hereditary graphs, J. Combin. Theory (B) 41 (1986) 182–208
2. A. Brandstädt, (P5,diamond)-Free Graphs Revisited: Structure, Bounded cliquewidth and Linear Time Optimization, Manuscript 2000; accepted for Discrete Applied Math.
3. A. Brandstädt, C.T. Hoàng, V.B. Le, Stability Number of Bull-and Chair-Free Graphs Revisited, Manuscript 2001; accepted for Discrete Applied Math.
4. A. Brandstädt, D. Kratsch, On the structure of (P5,gem)-free graphs, Manuscript 2001
5. A. Brandstädt, H.-O. Le, R. Mosca, Chordal co-gem-free graphs have bounded clique-width, Manuscript 2002