1. Althusser, L.: 1965, Pour Marx, Maspéro, Paris (English translation: 1968: For Marx, Allen Lane, The Penguin Press, London).
2. Althusser, L.: 1971, ?Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses?, in his Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays, NLB, London.
3. Althusser, L.: 1974, Philosophie et Philosophie Spontanée des Savants, Maspéro, Paris.
4. Althusser, L., Rancière, J., Macherey, P., Balibar, E., and Establet, R.: 1965, Lire le Capital, 2 Vols., Maspéro, Paris. Reissued in 4 Vols. in 1971 in Petite Collection Maspéro. English translation including only the contributions of Althusser and Balibar: 1968, Reading Capital, NLB, London.
5. Balibar, E.: 1978, ?From Bachelard to Althusser: The Concept of ?Epistemological Break??, Economy and Society 7(3), 207?37.