1. Beresford, Q. and P. Omaji (1996)Rites of Passage: Aboriginal Youth Crime and Justice, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle.
2. Beresford, Q. and P. Omaji (1998)Our State of Mind Racial Planning and the Stolen Generation, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, Fremantle.
3. Collins, R. (Chair) (1999)Learning Lessons: An Independent Review of Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory, Department of Education, Darwin.
4. Education Department of Western Australia (1997)Aboriginal Education Operational Plan 1997–1999.
5. Gray, J. (2000a) The Framing of Truancy: A Study of Non-Attendance Policy as a Form of Social Exclusion, unpublished doctoral thesis, Edith Cowan University.