1. Vessot, R. F. C., and Levine, M. W. (1978b). InA Close Up of the Sun, M. Neugebauer and R. W. Davis, eds., JPL Publication, pp. 457?497.
2. Vessot, R. F. C. (1979).Radio Sci.,14, 629?647.
3. Ni, W. T. (1977).Phys. Rev. Lett.,38, 301.
4. Ni, W. T. (1979). Preprint.
5. Vessot, R. F. C., and Levine, M. W. (1978a).Gen. Rel. Grav.,20, 181. Also inExperimental Gravitation, Proceedings of the Accademia Lincei, Vol. 34, pp. 371?391.