1. Andreev, V. N.: 1954, ‘Growth of Forage Lichens and Methods of Regulating It’,Proc. Bot. Inst. USSR Acad. Sci., Series III, Geobotany 9, 11–74; translated from Russian as Canadian Wildlife Service Translation CWS-TR-RUS-213.
2. Barr, A. J., Goodnight, J. H., Sall, J. P., and Helwig, J. T.: 1976,A User's Guide to SAS-76, Sparks Press, Raleigh, North Carolina.
3. Bergerud, A. T.: 1977, ‘Diets for Caribou’, in Recheigl, M. (ed.),Handbook Series in Nutrition and Food Selection, G, Diets, Culture Media, and Food Supplements, Volume I, CRC Press, Cleveland, Ohio, pp. 243.
4. Bewley, J. D. and Krochko, J. E.: 1981,Encyclopedia of Plant Physiology, in press.
5. Blum, O. B.: 1973,Water relations, in Ahmadjian, V. and Hale, M E. (eds.),The Lichens, Academic Press, N.Y., pp. 381.