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2. GOST R ISO 5725-1-2002, Accuracy (correctness and precision) of Methods and Results of Measurements. Part 1. Basic Assumptions and Definitions [in Russian].
3. GOST R ISO 5725-6-2002, Accuracy (correctness and precision) of Methods and Results of Measurements. Part 6. Use of Accuracy Values under Practical Conditions [in Russian].
4. G. A. Gibbon, “Brief history of LIMS,” Lab. Autom. Inform. Manag., Iss. 32, 1–5 (1996).
5. D. O. Skobelev and T. M. Zaytseva, “Laboratory information management systems (LIMS),” Zav. Lab., No. 12, 57–62 (2009).