1. Akeley, R. V., F. J. Stevenson and C. E. Cunningham. 1955. Potato variety yields, total solids, and cooking quality as affected by date of vine killing. Amer. Potato J. 32: 304–313.
2. Cunningham, C. E., H. J. Murphy, M. J. Goven, and R. V. Akeley. 1959. Yields, specific gravity, and maturity of potatoes. Maine Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull. 579: 22–23.
3. Eastwood, T. 1952. The effect of herbicides upon potatoes used for chipping. Amer. Potato J. 29: 160–164.
4. Murphy, H. J. 1961. Production of potatoes for processing. Maine Potato Councillor. Vol. 7, No. 8: 1–3.
5. Smith, O. 1950. Effect of DDT on yield and color of chips. National Potato Chip Inst., Article 5: 1–2.