1. Anish Arora and Mohamed Gouda. Closure and convergence: A formulation of fault-tolerant computing. In Fault Tolerant Computing Symposium 22, pages 396–403, Boston, MA, July 1992. IEEE Computer Society.
2. W. R. Bevier and W. D. Young. Machine-checked proofs of a Byzantine agreement algorithm. Technical Report 55, Computational Logic Incorporated, Austin, TX, June 1990.
3. W. R. Bevier and W. D. Young. The design and proof of correctness of a fault-tolerant circuit. In Meyer and Schlichting [15], pages 243–260.
4. Ricky W. Butler and Sally C. Johnson. The art of fault-tolerant system reliability modeling. NASA Technical Memorandum 102–623, NASA Langley Research Center, Hampton, VA, March 1990.
5. Ben L. Di Vito and Ricky W. Butler. Formal techniques for synchronized fault-tolerant systems. In 3rd IFIP Working Conference on Dependable Computing for Critical Applications, pages 85–97, Mondello, Sicily, Italy, September 1992. IFIP WG 11.4. Preprint proceedings.