1. For a recent review paper, see W. K. Chu, J. W. Mayer, M-A. Nicolet, T. M. Buck, G. Amsel and F. Eisen, Thin Sol. Films 17 (1973)
2. M. A. Nicolet and W. K. Chu, American Laboratory, March 1975, pp. 22–34, see Figs. 3 and 5
3. J. W. Mayer, L. Eriksson, and J. A. Davies, Ion Implantation in Semiconductors, Academic Press (New York) 1970, p. 16
4. R. S. Blewer, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53 (1973) 593
5. L. R. Mervine, et. al., LLL Report UCRL-73087, 1971