1. P. Schenker, “NASA research and development for space telerobotics,” IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, vol. 24, pp. 523–534, Sept 1988.
2. J. Matijevic, W. Zimmerman, and S. Dolinsky, “The NASA/OAST telerobot testbed architecture,” in Proceedings of NASA Conference on Space Telerobotics, (Pasadena, California), Jan. 31–Feb. 2, 1989.
3. A. Lokshin, J. Beahan, and J. Balaram, “Intelligent pipelined control architecture for remote robotic applications,” in 1990 ASME Annual Winter Meeting, (Dallas, TX), November 1990.
4. P. Backes and K. Tso, “UMI: An interactive supervisory and shared control system for telerobotics,” in Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (Cincinnati, Ohio), pp. 1096–1101, May 13–18, 1990.
5. J. Matijevic, “Telerobot project: System/subsystem interface specifications.” Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Sec 347. November 1988. (internal document).