1. F. Almgren, The homotopy groups of the integral cycle groups, Topology 1 (1962), 257–299.
2. F. Almgren, Deformations and multiple-valued functions, Proc. Symposia in Pure Math. 44 (1986), 29–130.
3. F. Almgren, Applications of multiple valued functions. Geometric Modeling: Algorithms and New Trends, G. E. Farin, editor, SIAM, Philadelphia (1986), 43–54.
4. F. Almgren, What can geometric measure theory do for several complex variables?, Proceedings of the Several Complex Variables Year at the Mittag-Leffier Institute, 1987–88, (to appear).
5. F. Almgren, Q-valued functions minimizing Dirichlet’s integral and the regularity of area minimizing rectifiable currents up to codimension two, (multilithed notes) (1984), 1720 pp.