1. J.S-. Sobieski, The Case for Aerodynamic Sensitivity Analysis, NASA CP-2457, pp. 77–96, January 1987.
2. J.S-. Sobieski, Multidisciplinary Optimization for Engineering Systems: Achievements and Potential, NASA TM 101566, March 1989.
3. G.R. Shubin and P.D. Frank, A Comparison of Two Closely-Related Approaches to Aerodynamic Design Optimization, in Third International Conference on Inverse Design Concepts and Optimization in Engineering Sciences (ICIDES-III), pp. 67–78, Washington, D.C., October 1991. (Also Technical Report AMS-TR-163, Boeing Computer Services, April 1991.)
4. H.M. Elbanna and L.A. Carlson, Determination of Aerodynamic Sensitivity Coefficients Based on the Transonic Small Perturbation Formulation, Journal of Aircraft, Vol. 27, No. 6, June 1990, pp. 507–515. (Also AIAA Paper 89-0532, January 1989).
5. H.M. Elbanna and L.A. Carlson, Determination of Aerodynamic Sensitivity Coefficients Based on the Three-Dimensional Full Potential Equation, AIAA Paper 92-2670, June 1992.