1. A. Taylor, P. Newman, G. Hou, and H. Jones; Recent advances in steady compressible aerodynamic sensitivity analysis, in Flow Control (Ed. by M. Gunzburger), Springer, 1995, 341–356. (Presented at the IMA Workshop on Flow Control, Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications, University of Minnesota, MN, Nov. 1992.)
2. P. Newman, G. Hou, H. Jones, A. Taylor, and V. Korivi; Observations on computational methodologies for use in large-scale gradient-based multidisciplinary design, Proc. Fourth AIAA/USAF/NASA/OAI Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, AIAA, Cleveland, 1992, 531–542. (AIAA Paper 92-4753-CP, 1992.)
3. V. Korivi, A. Taylor, P. Newman, G. Hou, and H. Jones; An approximately-factored incremental strategy for calculating consistent discrete aerodynamic sensitivity derivatives, Proc. Fourth AIAA/USAF/NASA/OAI Symposium on Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization, AIAA, Cleveland, 1992, pp. 465–478 (AIAA Paper 92-4746-CP, 1992.)
4. V. Korivi, A. Taylor, G. Hou, P. Newman, and H. Jones; Sensitivity derivatives for three-dimensional supersonic Euler code using incremental iterative strategy, A Collection of Technical Papers, Part 2, IIth AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA, Orlando, 1993, 1053–1054. (Expanded version: AIAA J. 32, 1994, 1319-1321.)
5. G. Burgreen and O. Baysal; Three-dimensional aerodynamic shape optimization of wings using sensitivity analysis, AIAA Paper 94–0094, 1994.