1. G. M. Amdahl, “Validity of Single-processor Approach to Achieving Large-scale Computing Capability”Proc. AFIPSConference, pp. 483–485, Reston VA., 1967.
2. W.C. Athas, J.G. Koller, L. Svensson, “An Energy-Efficient CMOS Line Driver Using Adiabatic Switching,” Fourth Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI, Mar. 1994.
3. W.C. Athas, L. Svensson, J.G. Koller, N. Tzartzanis, E. Chou, “A Framework for Practical Low-Power Digital CMOS Systems Using Adiabatic-Switching Principles,” 1994 International Workshop on Low Power Design, Apr. 1994.
4. W.C. Athas, L. Svensson, “Reversible Logic Issues in Adiabatic CMOS,” Proc. of the 1994 Workshop on Physics and Computation, Nov. 1994.
5. W.C. Athas, L. Svensson, J.G. Koller, N. Tzartzanis, E.Y.-C Chou, “Low-Power Digital Systems Based on Adiabatic-Switching Principles,” IEEE Trans. on VLSI Systems, Vol. 2, No. 4, Dec. 1994.