1. For additional material on the topics discussed here, the reader is referred to my book Computer Lib (1974) available from The Distributors, 702 S. Michigan, South Bend, In. Of particular relevance in that volume are “Apparatuses of Apparition” and “Babel’s in Toy-land,” p. 125; “The Mind’s Eye,” pp. 109 ff.; “No More Teachers’ Dirty Looks,” pp. 113 ff.; “Hypertext,” pp. 84–85; “Doug Engelbart and ‘The Augmentation of Intellect,’“pp. 82–83. On collateration, “Thinkertoys,” p. 77 and “The Parallel Textface,” pp. 75–76. On the network, see “Xanadu,” pp. 72–73.
2. Nelson, T. H., 1965. A file structure for the complex, the changing, and the indeterminate, in Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery Annual Conference, ACM, New York.
3. Nelson, T. H., 1978. Data realms and magic windows, in Proceedings of the ACPA-V Conference, published by the Association of Computer Programmers and Analysts, in press.