1. A.H. Compton and S.K. Allison, X-Rays in Theory and Experiment, D. Van Nostrand Company, Princeton, N.J., 1935.
2. H.A. Liebhafsky, H.G. Pfeiffer, E.H. Winslow, P.D. Zemany, X-Ray Absorption and Emission in Analytical Chemistry, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1960.
3. L.S. Birks, X-Ray Spectrochemical Analysis, Interscience Publishers, Inc., New York, 1960.
4. W. Loranger “On-Line Analysis by X-Ray Emission Technique,” 12th Annual Symposium on Spectroscopy, Chicago, Illinois, May 16, 1961.
5. F. Bernstein “Application of X-Ray Fluorescence to Process Control” 10th Annual Conference, Applications of X-Ray Analysis, University of Denver, August, 1961.