1. G. A. Alers, “Selection of Specific Guided Wave Modes for NDE Problems,” presented elsewhere in these proceedings.
2. G. Alers, G. Huebschen, B. Maxfield, W. Repplinger, H. J. Salzburger, R. B. Thompson, and A. Wilbrand in Nondestructive Testing Handbook, 2nd Edition, Vol. 7, Ultrasonic Testing, A. S. Birks and R. E. Green, Jr., Eds. (ASNT, Columbus, 1991), p.326.
3. R. B. Thompson in Physical Acoustics, Vol. XIX, Ultrasonic Measurement Methods, R.N. Thurston and A. D. Pierce, Eds. (Academic Press, Boston, 1990), p. 157.
4. R. B. Thompson, G. A. Alers, and M. A. Tennison, 1972 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceeding(IEEE, NY, 1972), p.91.
5. R. B. Thompson, 1973 IEEE Ultrasonics Symposium Proceedings (IEEE, NY, 1972), p.385.