1. J.C. Theilacker, Upgrade of the tevatron cryogenic system, in: “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,” Vol. 39, Plenum Press, New York (1994), p. 517.
2. J.D. Fuerst and J.C. Theilacker, increasing the energy of the fermilab tevatron accelerator: presented at the EPAC94, London, England.
3. W.M. Soyars, Simulating the tevatron liquid helium satellite refrigerators, in: “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,” Vol. 39, Plenum Press, New York (1994), p. 1231.
4. W.M. Soyars, Operation and maintenance of fermilab’s satellite refrigerator expansion engines, to be presented this conference.
5. J.C. Theilacker, Tevatron quench pressure measurement, in: “Advances in Cryogenic Engineering,” Vol. 39, Plenum Press, New York (1994), p. 469.