1. A. F. Hallimond, Manual of the Polarizing Microscope, Cooke, Troughton and Simms, England (1953).
2. N. H. Hartshorne and A. Stuart, Crystals and the Polarizing Microscope, Edward Arnold, London (1960).
3. A. B. Buckman and N. M. Bashara, J. Opt. Soc. Am.
58, 700 (1968).
4. A. B. Buckman, in Symp. on Recent Developments in Ellipsometry, University of Nebraska, August 1968, North-Holland Publishing Comp., Amsterdam (1969).
5. F. A. Jenkins and H. E. White, Fundamentals of Physical Optics, pp. 289, 294, McGraw-Hill Book Co., New York (1937).