1. S. Barnard and M. Fischler, “Computational stereo,” ACM Comp. Surveys, Vol. 14, No. 4, December 1982.
2. L. Blumenthal, “A surface follower and edge detector for the finger,” Computer and Information Science Dept., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Senior Project, May 1983.
3. V. Buono, “The lord sensor,” Computer and Information Science Dept., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Senior Project, May 1983.
4. R. Mohr and R. Bajcsy, “Packing volumes by spheres,” IEEE Trans. on PAMI, Vol. 6, No. 1, January 1983.
5. C. A. Dane, “An object-centered ‘three-dimensional model builder,” Ph.D. dissertation, Computer Science Dept., Univ. of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1982.