1. A. Glassner, ANL-5750, Argonne National Laboratory (1957).
2. G. M. Adamson, R. S. Crouse, and W. D. Manly, ORNL-2337, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (March 20, 1959).
3. G. M. Adamson, R. S. Crouse, and W. D. Manly, ORNL-2338, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (Jan. 3, 1961).
4. A. de S. Brasunas, Metals Progr. 62(6), 88 (1952).
5. W. D. Manly, Corrosion Behavior of Fused Fuels, in Proc. 2nd Fluid Fuels Development Conf., pp. 370–412, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, April 1952, ORNL-CF-52–4–197.