1. Abbott, W. A. “Studies of Flow Fields Created by Vertical and Inclined Jet When Stationary or Moving Over a Horizontal Surface,” RAE ACR CP No. 911, 1967.
2. “Analysis of a Jet in a Subsonic Crosswind,” NASA SP-218, September 1969.
3. Aoyagi, K. and Snyder, P. K. “Experimental Investigation of a Jet Inclined to a Subsonic Crossflow,” AIAA 81–2610, December 1981.
4. Beatty, T. D. and Kress, S. S. “Prediction Methodology for Propulsive Induced Forces and Moments of V/STOL Aircraft in Transition/STOL Flight,” NAVAIRDEVGENReport No. NADC-77119–30, July 1979.
5. Bower, W. W. “A Summary of Jet-Impingement Studies at McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories,” AIAA 81–2613, December 1981.