1. S. T. Picraux, New Uses of Low-Energy Accelerators (Plenum Press, N. Y.) in press.
2. J. A. Davies, Channeling: Theory, Observation and Applications, ed. by D. V. Morgan (John Wiley, 1973).
3. J. W. Mayer, L. Eriksson, and J. A. Davies, Ion Implantation in Semiconductors (Academic Press, N. Y., 1970).
4. H. de Waard and L. C. Feldman, Applications of Ion Beams to Metals, ed. by S. T. Picraux, E. P. Eer Nisse, and F. L. Vook (Plenum Press, N. Y., 1974), p. 317.
5. Channeling: Theory, Observation and Applications, ed. by D. V. Morgan (John Wiley, 1973).